News from Christian Aid

Virtual Global Neighbours Service   

On Sunday 6th September Christian Aid held an autumn service to launch our autumn appeal. This service (above) is available to watch back and use on Facebook and Youtube. The message by Bob Kikuyu, our Senior Theology Advisor, is available to use in your own church services. 

If you think you may be able to help support our Global Neighbours Autumn Appeal in some way, here’s some resources. To read more about the appeal and the resources please go hereThis includes:  

·       Worship resources  

·       School resources  

·       Guide to hosting a Brew and Bake  

·       Angela’s story  


The e-offering is a simple, virtual way to raise money for our global neighbours at your church/group or with your friends and family. Set up an e-offering and share the link in your church service, via email or on social media, to raise money for our neighbours still facing crisis around the world. Find out more and set up your own e-offering at  

Greeting cards  

Among the resources you can order are greeting cards you can order and send to your neighbours to encourage them to think about their global neighbours and support the appeal.  

Debt Petition  

Stand up for our global neighbours by asking the UK Chancellor to champion debt cancellation for the world’s poorest countries.  

Covid-19 and Church Engagement Survey 

We have created a quick online survey to find out how churches are currently meeting. This will help us know how to best tailor our resources for churches at this time. If you can spare five minutes, please do complete it for us. 

Loving God. Come now and make us into a global neighbourhood, looking out for each other through struggle and crisis, reaching out to strangers who become sisters and brothers, shape us into a caring community, strengthening each other through every challenge, standing together until justice comes for all. In your name we pray. Amen.  

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