Find out more about our new campaign for Anti-Slavery Day 2022.
Make It Slavery Free is the name of The Clewer Initiative’s Anti-Slavery Day 2022 campaign.
In the lead up to Anti-Slavery Day in October, we want to encourage churches, businesses and individuals to take a pledge to work towards becoming slavery-free in all aspects of their work and lives. We envisage working towards a slavery-free community in the same way that we are all working towards net zero carbon.
As part of the pledge, we are asking people to commit to three anti-slavery actions over the next year. This might include setting up a social action project, making a commitment to ethical purchasing or simply using the Safe Car Wash App.
The campaign will aim to meet people where they are at, providing inspiration, encouragement and tangible ideas to eradicate slavery from our communities. Some will have been working on slavery-free activities for a while whereas for others this will be the beginning of their journey. Wherever people are at, we hope they will be excited about signing the pledge and taking further action. Our longing is that through this campaign, we will begin to embed being slavery-free in our culture and everyday actions.
Look out for our Make It Slavery Free toolkit which will include:
- A customisable pledge poster to display in your church, business or organisation to remind you of the steps you have committed to take
- Ideas, advice and guidance to help people on their slavery-free journey
- Bible study resources to inspire action
- Social media assets so that you can share your pledges
See our list of Slavery Free ideas – we will publish more ideas over the coming months.
The Clewer Initiative | Anti-Slavery Day: Make It Slavery Free