Members of the Progressive Christianity Network Britain were polled for their top priorities for Christian action in a post Covid 19 world. These are the top 10:
1. Urgently attend to the climate change crisis and learn from what less road and air traffic and hence less pollution and carbon emissions has taught us.
2. Remember all those ‘key workers’ who care for us in so many ways – nurses, care home staff, refuse collectors, supermarket staff and so many more and ensure they are all paid a fair wage.
3. Urgently work to eliminate poverty and consider a universal basic income
4. Focus more on mental health and resource this sector properly
5. Reform the whole Health and Social Care system so that it becomes properly integrated and funded
6. Create a just taxation system, abolishing tax havens and capping extravagant salary payments
7. Rebuild our public services on all fronts
8. A greater transparency in government and less centralisation of power
9. Urgently work for a more equitable share of the earth’s resources
10. Work for sustainable food security across the globe
Hopes for a post Covid 19 world