This excellent resource has been developed and produced by Professor Keith Brown, the founding director of The National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work (NCPQSW) and Professional Practice- in partnership with Faith in Later Life. Professor Brown is the leading expert in his field, and a Christian of over 40 years.
This guidance considers a range of issues facing older people, and challenges churches and Christian faith organisations to do the same. Those living in the fourth age are not a homogeneous group; to start with they represent people from different generations, with different life experiences, a range of health issues and different social situations. They are also at different stages of a faith journey, many will have been to Sunday school as children, many will have been married in church. Some will have been life-time Christians and be regular church attenders, some will now only go to church for ceremonies, others will not want to step foot into a church again. The diversity of the fourth age provides great opportunity for churches and Christian faith organisations; this guidance gives some ideas to churches for different ministries, outreach and mission among older people.
This resource is free to download via this link