Fri 04 Mar 2022 by Donna Birrell
Christians are being encouraged to walk to church this Sunday, praying for Ukraine on their journey.
It’s the idea of Lindsay Hamon from Cornwall who has spent the last 35 years walking across the world carrying a 20 kilogram wooden cross. He now hopes people unite in a nationwide movement of prayer for peace.
Lindsay said he has seen incredible things happen when people come together in prayer, especially in difficult times.
He told Premier Christian News: “I woke up on Sunday morning, and I thought I’m going to walk to church praying specifically for a miracle to happen in the situation with Ukraine. As my wife and I started praying, there was a power that seemed to come on us as we were praying, walking down the road. By the time we got to church, 3 miles away, we were really pumped up in faith.
“I just felt God saying ‘this is what I want you to do, just to walk and pray.’ It was so powerful.”
Lindsay is inspired by the fact that during the Second World War, King George VI called the nation to prayer when the British Army was trapped at Dunkirk in May 1940. As a result, millions of people flocked to churches to pray and eventually, almost 360,000 troops were rescued by a flotilla of small boats. It became known as the ‘Miracle of Dunkirk.’
Lindsay, who has walked to and across more than 20 countries including Bangladesh, Belarus and Moscow, says carrying a cross is a great way to start conversations about Christ.
He said he believes unity of prayer can achieve great things.
“The cross is the greatest symbol of how much God loves them,” he said.
“I just felt wouldn’t it be great if every person that could possibly do this is able to walk to church on Sunday and pray for God’s miraculous hand in bringing salvation in the Ukrainian situation.
“Sometimes we think that God can’t use us because we’re just too ordinary. But it seems to me that that’s exactly who God wants to use. He wants to hear the prayers of ordinary people.
“The passion and the unity and the focus that will happen across the nation, as the Christian church gets on its knees and starts praying for God to have his hand as he did during the Second World War.
“I believe God had his hand on that day and I believe that God wants to have his hand on the situation today.”