Feed Cornwall by the Chaos Collective


We’ve teamed up with Cube Recording and a number of Cornish musicians have come together to create a fundraising Christmas single. The money raised from your donations will be managed by our friends at Cornwall Community Foundation to support projects working with families across Cornwall who experience Food Isolation.

Visit the Chaos website for details of how to donate

In 1984 a group of musicians released a song which has since sold over two million copies across the world and raised more than £150m to help feed starving people.  36 years later it is Cornwall’s turn – with a host of well known local musicians and entertainers joining together to record a special Cornish version of the original Feed the World charity single to help increase awareness of the problems caused by food poverty in the county and raise money to support struggling local families.

Everyone downloading the song and video is asked to make a donation to the project, with all the money raised being ring fenced to support food banks and other projects to tackle food poverty in Cornwall. Donations will be managed by the Cornwall Community Foundation who will work alongside local organisations, including the Cornwall Food Access Alliance, Transformation Cornwall and the Chaos Group, to ensure funding is targeted at helping vulnerable people.

As with the original Feed the World event, it was decided to record a video to accompany the launch of the song to give members of the public the opportunity to see behind the scenes of the production.  Filmed and edited by The CHAOS Digital team, the film is available to view on Youtube and Vimeo. The CHAOS Group is a key member of the Cornwall Food Access Alliance which has links with a wide range of Cornish organisations and community projects working to alleviate food poverty.

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