June 18, 2020
CAFOD, Christian Aid and the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) have joined with other faith-based international development agencies in a joint statement condemning the government’s decision to abolish the Department for International Development (DFID):
The abolition of DFID is a political move, and the world’s most vulnerable people will pay the highest price.
A global pandemic the likes of which we’ve not seen in our lifetime is tearing through the world’s poorest communities, threatening to reverse decades of development gains. UK Aid is more critical than ever, and it’s essential to ensure the focus remains on fighting poverty and reaching those in greatest need.
The Prime Minister has made clear his intention to use aid to further Britain’s national interests – a clear violation of the primary purpose of aid which is to alleviate poverty. This will blunt the impact of aid on those most in need, and risks more people suffering and dying as a result.
As people of faith and leaders of organisations which seek to lift up the hungry, the poor and the oppressed, we stand against this act of injustice. We have a moral and ethical duty to neighbours near and far. History will not look kindly on the UK’s retreat into narrow self-interest.
- Alistair Dutton, Chief Executive of Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund.
- Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, Chief Executive of Christian Aid.
- Christine Allen, Director of CAFOD.
- Mark Sheard, CEO of World Vision UK.
- Nigel Harris, CEO of Tearfund.
- Peter Waddup, CEO of The Leprosy Mission England and Wales.
- Tufail Hussain, Director of Islamic Relief UK.
Previous statements
Christian Aid issued a statement on 16 June describing the proposed merger of the Department for International Development (DFID) with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) as ‘an act of political vandalism’.
CAFOD’s Director Christine Allen said ‘the Prime Minister’s announcement on maximising British influence through aid is seriously misguided’.
SCIAF said it was extremely alarmed by the Prime Minister’s announcement.
CAFOD, Christian Aid and SCIAF
CAFOD, Christian Aid and SCIAF are agencies linked to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI).