What is everyday faith? What does it mean and what does it look like? Of course, as Christians we are in a loving relationship with God, so we enjoy constant dialogue, reassurance and everlasting confidence that God has it covered, whatever we’re going through. Except, it isn’t always like that, is it?
There can be days, weeks, years even, when we feel lost, disconnected and forget our relationship requires us to make an effort. God never leaves our side, perhaps we just forget to turn our heads and include Him in our everyday. Everyday Faith is a series of short conversations that are easy to dip into and remind ourselves what it can be to live and work with God, every day.
A series of short conversations about what faith means, everyday
You might have caught the Everyday Faith series of short conversations on Facebook over the past month or so. People from all walks of life, including a judge and a carer of vulnerable adults, answer four questions that reveal surprising insights to what everyday faith means for them:
1. Who are you?
2. What will you be doing this time tomorrow?
3. What difference does faith make to a normal day in your life?
4. How can your church support you better in your day-to-day life?
How did the Everyday Faith films begin?
The initiative for Everyday Faith came out of the Church of England’s desire to help us realise that we’re Christians all the time, not just on Sundays when we’re in Church. And that every one of us is called to play our part in God’s mission for God’s world. Our ‘everyday lives’ can speak of our confidence in the good news of Jesus Christ. This began back in 2017. This was back in 2017. A global pandemic came along and in many ways pushed the initiative further and faster than anyone anticipated. Who knew that in a few short years we would all be meeting through screens, at all times of the week and sometimes even in our PJs.
Have you got an Everyday Faith story you’d be happy to share?
The everyday faith stories, or #EverydayFaith if you’re searching for them on Facebook or YouTube, are a great example and encouragement for people being set free. It would be wonderful to have more stories of everyday faith from people from all walks of life – whether you are retired, at home with the children, at home on your own (as many are at the moment), looking after elderly relatives or volunteering for a local charity. We would love to hear from you and hear what difference faith makes to your everyday.
You can set up a Zoom meeting with someone you trust, hit the record button, ask the four questions and then send the recording to hello@truro.anglican.org If you’re not confident using Zoom, just email us and we will get in touch to help.
To see more go to the Truro Diocese YouTube Channel