On Friday 17th May, we will be gathering Christians from across Cornwall for an evening of multi-denominational worship, prayer and encouragement for the annual Love South West weekend.
This will be taking place at Holy Trinity Church, St Austell, from 7.30 -9.30pm.
Worship will be led by Lucy Grimble (who you may have seen leading worship at Creation Fest and Spring Harvest) and church leaders from across the county will be leading times of prayer.
This is one of 3 evenings being hosted simultaneously across the South West and there will be a live link between the 3 locations on the night.
Tickets are priced at £5, which simply covers costs incurred across the 3 locations. However, we do not want the price to be a barrier to anyone so we are also offering free tickets for anyone that needs it*.
Please visit www.lovesouthwest.org.uk to find out more and book your ticket. There’s free parking near the church from 7pm in Priory Car Park.
* for details please email Jamie at worship.staustellparish@gmail.com