The work of children from Cornwall’s Church of England primary schools will be on display at Truro Cathedral for two weeks starting from Monday (April 29).

Running until May 12, the exhibition will feature the creative efforts of primary aged children from six schools who have produced prayers written in their own words or through art.
The bright and colourful pieces include prayers in Cornish, Japanese, Lithuanian, Tagalog, and text speak.
The schools were asked to take part by Lee Moscato, Diocesan Director of Education, and is part of WhoArtful Galleries, an initiative inviting schools to celebrate their own unique cultural diversity by sharing the Lord’s Prayer in languages found among pupils, their families, and friends.
Lee said: “Along with different languages, we also invited pupils to write in text language, create a cartoon strip or an art piece linked to the Lord’s Prayer. It’s a unique home-grown showcase and celebration of our diocesan schools cultural diversity at this point in time.”