CTC Review is our new bi-monthly publication designed to highlight Good News from Cornish Churches.
The Review joins the new e-mail CTC Weekly News as successor to the long-established CTC Newsletter. Announcements of forthcoming events now appear in the Weekly News and on this website, and the Review will focus on celebrating what has been achieved in the Christian communities accross Cornwall.
This first issue concentrates on catching up with what has happened since the last edition of the CTC Newsletter in May 2019. The content of future issues will depend on you! Tell us about the good things happening in your community – big or little, one-off event or ongoing service – anything that demonstrates the Good News of the Gospel in your community. Please send us whatever details you have, long or short, and do please include photos – with permission to reproduce them! And do spread the word about this new resource – we hope it can become a tool to showcase good work and inspire others – but we can only do this with your help!
Please send your stories and ideas to ctcinfohub@gmail.com