Did you know?
- CFF welcomes anyone interested in working for peace (whether you belong to a recognised faith tradition or not)
- CFF works with Cornwall’s faith communities in Building, Sharing and Learning for Peace projects. These include Baha’is, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Pagans.
- CFF partners with several community organisations so we can support each other and grow together.
- CFF organises events every month; these include celebrating each other’s seasons and festivals, debating and exploring issues, and sharing occasions like the Big Lunch and World Peace Day with the wider community.
What can you do?
- Visit our website or contact us to find out more https://www.dorkemmyn.org.uk (Dor Kemmyn is Cornish for ‘Common Ground’)
- Become a member – there is no cost and you won’t be pressured, but you will receive our regular e bulletin and know what’s happening. https://dorkemmyn.org.uk/cornwall-faith-forum-membership/
- Complete our Dor Kemmyn Building Questionnaire https://dorkemmyn.org.uk/dor-kemmyn-building-questionnaire-let-us-know-what-you-think-about-the-building-project/ We need to revisit our vision of creating a Centre for Faith and Peace in Cornwall following the Covid 19 pandemic, so please help to inspire this process for both present and future generations https://tinyurl.com/4yv86pu6
Thank you so much – together we can surely find our ‘Common Ground’, value each other’s faith traditions, and learn, share and build peace together.