Jacqui Bennett, Debt Centre Manager writes:
As our children return to school this week I thought this would be an opportune time to update you on the laptops we were able to supply during the lockdown period.

On Monday 22nd February, the day the school returned after the half term break, we delivered an additional 22 new laptops to Falmouth Primary Academy School plus 2 used ones. We piled them up outside the door before we let the school know we were there.
The Administrator opened the door and was totally astounded by what she saw. She said she was amazed and didn’t know what to say.
When I returned home, I received a message from the head teacher thanking us for our generous support. She said that the laptops would enable them to support many families and that our generous offer was much appreciated.
The head teacher also said that is was reassuring to them to know that the families are well supported by the community. She asked me to pass on their thanks to everyone for the kind support.
Since then I have received a letter from the head boy and girl of the school on behalf of all the children, who wanted to write to say a huge thank you for the very kind donation of laptops. They said ‘The additional laptops we have received have been really important and have ensured that no child misses out on their remote learning and education if they did not have a device at home.
As head boy and head girl, we cannot begin to tell you the positive impact your donation will have on the children at Falmouth Primary and their learning. When we are all back in school together, the laptops you have provided will be used in class and will allow us to have more exciting opportunities in our lessons. The difference you have made is extraordinary and we are very, very grateful.
We are a step closer to achieving a great education. We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for our school. By doing this, you have also inspired lots of young children to help others in the community and people in need.’
In total we gave 31 laptops to Falmouth Primary, 26 new and 5 used. As you can see they were overcome by the kindness shown to them. When I explained that there were another 6 new devices on their way they said that they would like to share the kindness shown to them with other schools who might need them so the final 6 laptops have been offered to St Mary’s Primary and one other school who have not had a chance to reply yet.
Altogether we raised £7,575 which is totally amazing and for which we give thanks to our Father in heaven for such a great blessing to the schools, children and families.
This means that we were able to purchase 38 laptops for our schools plus given 7 used devices making a total of 44 which have been shared out between the schools as shown below.
School | Total Devices Given | New | Used |
St Francis C of E School | 7 | 6 | 1 |
Falmouth Primary Academy | 31 | 26 | 5 |
St Mary’s Catholic Primary | 3 | 3 |
The remaining 3 have been offered to another school but I have not had confirmation from them yet.
As schools return this week, I think our work is done, although any further donations will of course be passed on. I have been assured that the laptops, as well as being used in school, will also still be used for the children when working at home so that they can begin to catch up with their schoolwork.
A huge thank you to everyone who has helped with this by either donating funds or devices and for all your prayers, without which I’m sure we wouldn’t have reached the amount we raised.
About CAP
The Christians Against Poverty Debt Centre is here to help those who are feeling weighed down by debt, by offering free debt counselling from an award winning charity. Our friendly team will give a listening ear in confidential appointments and provide practical solutions to debt. Please help us to spread the word that we are here to help those in need.
If you would like to find out more please contact me,
Jacqui Bennett, email: jacquibennett@capuk.org tel: 0737 66 55 711
CAP also offer the Job Club, Money Course and the Kick Start program which are based at Emmanuel Baptist Church. If you would like to find out more about these courses please contact
Glyn Lumley, email: glynlumley@capjobclubs.org tel: 07544 858 232 https://emmanuelbaptist.co.uk/christians-against-poverty/
Or you can find more information about CAP in general including client stories online at https://capuk.org/
always hope.