Our new report based on a survey of nearly 900 churches and organisations.
Changing church is our new report based on a survey of nearly 900 churches and organisations and makes clear that they have changed how they operate while maintaining their core mission and vision. Throughout lockdown and the wider challenges, the church has shown great agility and creativity.

We found that 59% of the UK churches surveyed are reporting a marked increase in people interested in finding out more about the Christian faith. The research also shows that 70% of church leaders have reported more people who would not normally attend church, now attending during the lockdown.
More than 90% of Evangelical Alliance member churches surveyed are providing support for vulnerable people, and around three quarters of these are working collaboratively with either other churches, charities or local authorities.
The survey got responses from a wide variety of denominations and streams and great representation from across the UK. There is lots of other information in the report about finances, furlough, the challenges facing organisations and the big issues looking ahead. Please do take a look through the full report.
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