Become a Single Friendly Church

What is SFCN?

Single Friendly Church Network is a charity that equips any local churches to become places where single people feel fully welcome, included and valued. Our website is for more information.

Why focus on singleness?

Singleness in the UK is at an all time high and is growing. 40% of UK adults are single. The percentage is even higher in some urban areas of the country. This of course includes people who are divorced, widowed and single parents.

Who do we support?

* We have a large following of individuals who are single and we aim to change church culture where it could be more single-friendly.

* We support churches on a single-friendly journey by offering them a 5 Step approach to reviewing their progress. We locate those who are working on this on a map and then award them Single-Friendly Church status when they are ready. Find more information here

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