Written by our General Secretary, Rev Dr Paul Goodliff…
Gracious God, in this season of Advent you invite us to wait and wonder again after a year full of wondering and waiting — wondering what this pandemic all means, and what the future holds; waiting for lockdowns to end, to meet friends, to see if vaccines work. So much wondering and waiting overshadowed by anxiety and loss.
And yet this waiting is different in Advent— we wait for your coming, for the fulfilment of the Kingdom promises in Christ and for time to be wrapped in eternity. We wait full of wonder at your grace, love and mercy; we watch and wait for the signs of your coming, overshadowed not by fear but by your sheltering wing.
Kindle afresh your hope in us, as we respond to human need; renew within us your joy, that we might banish despair; and light afresh the flame of your love and light within and through us as we proclaim the angels’ message of great joy for all people, the birth of a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. For we put our trust in you and run with wonder to see afresh the baby in a feeding trough, the bread of life on his mother’s breast.
So, we pray for those in palaces to be granted generous hearts; for those in cowsheds, that you would come to their aid; for those on hillsides, bring light into their darkness, and for those far from home, that you would be their guide. For all the powerless in the world, may your kingdom come,
Through Christ, born of Mary and coming King, Amen.
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Hear a recording of this prayer by Paul Goodliff, accompanied by the words…